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Subnational Debt Financing in Indonesia (الإنجليزية)

Indonesia’s subnational governments (SNGs) play an important role in delivering infrastructure services and are responsible for implementing one-half of total government capital expenditure. Despite significant gaps, infrastructure investments by SNGs in Indonesia remain limited and rely mostly on central government transfers, while debt financing plays only a small role that has, until now, been constrained by multiple challenges. This note focuses...
انظر المزيد


  • 2024/1/15

  • دراسة بشأن الديون والأهلية الائتمانية

  • 186980

  • 1

  • Republic of Indonesia, إندونيسيا,

  • شرق آسيا والمحيط الهادئ,

  • 2024/1/16

  • Disclosed

  • Subnational Debt Financing in Indonesia

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