FY17 - Other Industry, Trade and Services,FY17 - Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry,FY17 - Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities
TF0B9536-Recipient Executed: Risk Transfer Solutions for Building Financial Resi,TF0B2850-AFRI RES Support to FSRP,TF0B3613-FSRP Scoping,TF0B5075-GAFSP Preparation and Supervision for Burkina Faso Food System Resilien,TF0B6854-Support for the implementation of emission-reducing sustainable agricul,TF0B7227-Sustainable Agriculture Intensification for Food and Nutrition Security,TF0B7895-Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financing to Regional Organi,TF0B7896-Bank Supervision of Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financin,TF0B8061-Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financing to the Permanent I,TF0B8062-Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financing to the West and Ce,TF0B8063-Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financing to the Economic Co,TF0B8255-Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financing to the Permanent-2,TF0B8256-Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financing to the Economic C-,TF0B8257-Food Systems Resilience in West Africa, Co-financing to the West and C-,TF0B9210-Bank Executed: Risk Transfer Solutions for Building Financial Resilienc,TF0C1334-Support to ECOWAS for Fertilizer Dialogue in West Africa,TF0C1465-Support the preparation and implementation support of the Togo GAFSP We,TF0C1609-Improving Soil Health and Fertility in West Africa,TF0C1639-Support the Development of Burkina Faso Food Security Crisis Preparedne,TF0C1954-Support the Development of Burkina Faso Food Security Crisis Preparedn-,TF0C2206-Additional Financing to West Africa Food Systems Resilience Program, Ph,TF0C3330-Continued Support to ECOWAS for Fertilizer Dialogue in West Africa