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Evoke in Colombia EdTech Innovations to Engage Youth and Build 21st Century Skills (الإنجليزية)

This case study examines how Evoke—an education technology (EdTech) innovation structured as an ongoing action research project—piloted the use of project-based learning on an open-source e-learning platform to develop relevant 21st century skills, such as empathy, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. The program has implemented a number of innovations with various stakeholders since 2010, including in universities, secondary schools...
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  • 2023/4/17

  • تقرير

  • 181905

  • 1

  • العالم,

  • أخرى,

  • 2023/5/04

  • Disclosed

  • Evoke in Colombia EdTech Innovations to Engage Youth and Build 21st Century Skills

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