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Strengthening Hydromet and Early Warning Systems and Services in Tunisia - A Roadmap (الإنجليزية)

Tunisia is highly vulnerable to natural hazards. Hydrometeorological (Hydromet) hazards, such as various types of floods, droughts, heat extremes and heatwaves, and sea level rise pose a direct threat to lives; impact livelihoods by damaging and destroying infrastructure, assets, and land; and retard development. Underlying processes, including climate change, population growth, land use changes, and urbanization, mean that growing numbers of Tunisians...
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  • 2023/6/13

  • تقرير

  • 182812

  • 1

  • الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا,

  • الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا,

  • 2023/6/13

  • Disclosed

  • Strengthening Hydromet and Early Warning Systems and Services in Tunisia - A Roadmap

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