Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA and the Board of Directors of IFC held on March 28, 2023 and Record of Approvals March 24 thru 28 (الإنجليزية)
Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA and the Board of Directors of IFC held on March 28, 2023 and Record of Approvals March 24 thru 28
IN-Assam Integrated River Basin Management Program -- P174593,BJ-Benin Social Safety Nets Program -- P176680,AM-Green, resilient and inclusive DPO -- P176278,TJ-Social Protection Modernization and Economic Inclusion Project -- P178878,ZR-Second DRC Foundational Economic Governance Reforms Development Policy Financing -- P179141,GE-Georgia Resilient Agriculture, Irrigation, and Land Project -- P175629,TP-Healthcare Action Through Rapid Infrastructure Improvements (“HARI'I”) Project -- P179592,BJ-Additional Financing for the Gazetted Forests Management Project -- P178838,DO-Dominican Republic Water Sector Modernization Program -- P177823
FY17 - Social Protection
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Information and Communications Technologies
FY17 - Social Protection
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Education
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Energy and Extractives
FY17 - Health
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Forests Policies and institutions,FY17 - Tax policy,FY17 - Biodiversity,FY17 - ICT Policies,FY17 - Financial Sector oversight and policy/banking regulation & restructuring,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Financial Stability,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Job Creation,FY17 - Domestic Revenue Administration,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - State-owned Enterprise Reform and Privatization,FY17 - Indigenous People and Ethnic Minorities,FY17 - Economic Growth and Planning,FY17 - Environmental policies and institutions,FY17 - Public Expenditure Policy,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Inclusive Growth,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Participation and Civic Engagement,FY17 - Social Inclusion,FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Fiscal Policy,FY17 - Energy Efficiency,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Water Institutions, Policies and Reform,FY17 - E-Government, incl. e-services,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Energy,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Public Expenditure Management,FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Water Resource Management,FY17 - Watershed Management,FY17 - Rural Water and Sanitation,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Health Systems and Policies,FY17 - Health Service Delivery,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Child Health,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Health System Strengthening,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Reproductive and Maternal Health,FY17 - Health Finance,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Environmental policies and institutions,FY17 - Rural Markets,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Biodiversity,FY17 - Forests Policies and institutions,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Water Institutions, Policies and Reform,FY17 - Data Development and Capacity Building,FY17 - Disaster Risk Finance,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Geospatial Services,FY17 - Watershed Management,FY17 - Water Resource Management,FY17 - Disaster Preparedness,FY17 - Finance for Development,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Data production, accessibility and use,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Disaster Response and Recovery,FY17 - Conflict Prevention,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Teachers,FY17 - Public Assets and Investment Management,FY17 - Energy,FY17 - Energy Efficiency,FY17 - Education Governance, School-Based Management,FY17 - Disaster Risk Reduction,FY17 - Air quality management,FY17 - Environmental Health and Pollution Management,FY17 - Regulation and Competition Policy,FY17 - Student Assessment,FY17 - Education Facilities,FY17 - Business Enabling Environment,FY17 - Judicial and other Dispute Resolution Mechanisms,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Public Private Partnerships,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Education,FY17 - Rule of Law,FY17 - Environmental policies and institutions,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Energy Policies & Reform,FY17 - Social Safety Nets,FY17 - Standards, Curriculum and Textbooks,FY17 - Fragility, Conflict and Violence,FY17 - Social protection delivery systems,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Watershed Management,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Food Security,FY17 - Geospatial Services,FY17 - Nutrition and Food Security,FY17 - Data production, accessibility and use,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Water Resource Management,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Data Development and Capacity Building,FY17 - Disaster Preparedness,FY17 - Land Administration and Management,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Water Institutions, Policies and Reform,FY17 - Finance for Development,FY17 - Landscape Management,FY17 - Agriculture Finance,FY17 - Data Development and Capacity Building,FY17 - Social protection delivery systems,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Data production, accessibility and use,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Social Safety Nets,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Social Insurance and Pensions,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Data production, accessibility and use,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - Data Development and Capacity Building,FY17 - Social Safety Nets,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Disability,FY17 - Skills Development,FY17 - Social Insurance and Pensions,FY17 - Labor Market Institutions,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Job Creation,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Social protection delivery systems,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Labor Market Policy and Programs
FY17 - Other Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry,FY17 - Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry,FY17 - Irrigation and Drainage,FY17 - Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities,FY17 - Public Administration - Health,FY17 - Health,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Mining,FY17 - ICT Infrastructure,FY17 - Other Public Administration,FY17 - Sub-National Government,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Forestry,FY17 - Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Public Administration - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Public Administration - Social Protection,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Other Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Other Education,FY17 - Other Public Administration,FY17 - Law and Justice,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Public Administration - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Water Supply,FY17 - Sanitation,FY17 - Other Energy and Extractives,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities,FY17 - Forestry,FY17 - Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry,FY17 - Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities
AFR ENR PM 1 (SAWE1); EFI-AFR1-MTI-MacroFiscal-1 (EAEM1); EFI-ECA-MTI-MacroFiscal-1 (EECM1); Health Nutrition &Population EAP (HEAHN); Social Protection & Labor AFR 2 (HAWS2); Social Protection & Labor ECA (HECSP); Water Europe and Central Asia (SCAWA); Water Latin America & Caribbean (SLCWA); Water South Asia Region (SSAW1)