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Suriname - Poverty and Equity Assessment : Annex 2 - Suriname : Labor Market Diagnostic (الإنجليزية)

The labor market constitutes a major component of any economy because it is intricately linked to markets for capital, goods, and services. The availability of both a household-level survey conducted by the IDB and a firm-level survey conducted by Compete Caribbean offers an opportunity to analyze labor supply and demand in Suriname. The analysis finds that most of Suriname’s core labor market indicators are in line with what would be expected given...
انظر المزيد

الوثيقة أيضا متوفرة بـ الإنجليزية, الإنجليزية, الإنجليزية


  • 2024/7/29

  • تقييم أوضاع الفقر

  • 192595

  • 1

  • سورينام,

  • أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي,

  • 2024/7/29

  • Disclosed

  • Suriname - Poverty and Equity Assessment : Annex 2 - Suriname : Labor Market Diagnostic

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