India - SOUTH ASIA- P174593- Assam
Integrated River Basin Management Program - Procurement Plan
IN-Assam Integrated River Basin Management
Program -- P174593
Disaster Risk Management,Disaster Preparedness,Mitigation,Disaster Response and Recovery,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Data Development and Capacity Building,Rural Development,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Finance for Development,Finance,Watershed Management,Public Sector Management,Water Resource Management,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Adaptation,Geospatial Services,Data production, accessibility and use,Disaster Risk Finance,Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,Flood and Drought Risk Management,Water Institutions, Policies and Reform
Public Administration - Water, Sanitation
and Waste Management,Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management
TF0B3781-Improving Water Resources
Management in Northeast India and Assam,TF0B6253-India: Modernizing Water
Resources Management and Water related Disaste,TF0B8080-Building Resilience in Assam
India: Integrated Water and Flood Risk Man,TF0C2227-Brahmaputra-Jamuna
Transboundary Collaboration