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Disparités de Genre et Pauvreté - Document d’Information pour l’Évaluation de la Pauvreté et de la Situation du Genre au Togo 2022 (الفرنسية)

Gender gaps in Togo cut across many dimensions. Inequality starts in childhood, when girls are disadvantaged in access to schooling because of prevalent social norms and gender roles. It continues into adolescence, when a larger share of girls starts dropping out of school, unable to continue education because of a number of factors, including child marriage, adolescent pregnancy, and time use patterns shaped by gender norms. In adolescence and adulthood...
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الوثيقة أيضا متوفرة بـ الإنجليزية


  • 2023/11/06

  • تقييم أوضاع الفقر

  • 185663

  • 1

  • Republic of Togo, توغو,

  • Western And Central Africa,

  • 2023/11/06

  • Disclosed

  • Disparités de Genre et Pauvreté - Document d’Information pour l’Évaluation de la Pauvreté et de la Situation du Genre au Togo 2022

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