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Guidelines to Small Area Estimation for Poverty Mapping (الإنجليزية)

The eradication of poverty, which was the first of the millennium development goals (MDG) established by the United Nations and followed by the sustainable development goals (SDG), requires knowing where the poor are located. Traditionally, household surveys are considered the best source of information on the living standards of a country’s population. Data from these surveys typically provide a sufficiently accurate direct estimate of household...
انظر المزيد


  • 2022/6/15

  • ورقة عمل

  • 173046

  • 1

  • العالم,

  • أخرى,

  • 2022/6/27

  • Disclosed

  • 2022-06-27T00:00:00Z

  • Guidelines to Small Area Estimation for Poverty Mapping

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