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Strengthening Hydromet Services in Developing Countries : Gathering, Sharing, and Applying Japanese Knowledge on Hydromet (الإنجليزية)

Hydrological and meteorological (hydromet) hazards, such as hurricanes, heat waves, floods, and droughts, inflict more human and economic losses than any other disaster. While hydromet services, which provide real-time weather, water, early warning, and climate information, can mitigate losses, access to these services remains sorely lacking in far too many countries. With an eye to tackling this challenge, the Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming...
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  • 2023/3/24

  • مذكرة موجزة

  • 180982

  • 1

  • العالم,

  • أخرى,

  • 2023/3/24

  • Disclosed

  • Strengthening Hydromet Services in Developing Countries : Gathering, Sharing, and Applying Japanese Knowledge on Hydromet

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