Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA and the Boards of Directors of IFC and MIGA on October 8, 2020 and Record of Approvals September 2 thru October 8 (الإنجليزية)
Minutes of a Virtual Meeting of the Executive Directors of the Bank and IDA and the Boards of Directors of IFC and MIGA on October 8, 2020 and Record of Approvals September 2 thru October 8
energy sector management assistance
TD-Additional Financing to Refugees and Host Communities Support Project -- P172255,UG-UGANDA INTERGOVERNMENTAL FISCAL TRANSFERS - ADDITIONAL FINANCING -- P172868,SD-Sudan Country Engagement Note -- P173522,KE-Horn of Africa Gateway Development Project -- P161305,UG-Uganda: Roads and Bridges in the Refugee Hosting Districts/Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Corridor Project -- P171339,UG-Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers Program -- P160250,TG-Togo Emergency Covid-19 DPO 2021 -- P174376,CM-Valorization of Investments in the Valley of the Benue -- P166072,MZ-Improvement of Skills Development in Mozambique -- P167054
FY17 - Transportation
FY17 - Transportation
FY17 - Information and Communications Technologies
FY17 - Education
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Education
FY17 - Health
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Social Protection
FY17 - Education
FY17 - Health
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Water, Sanitation and Waste Management
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Education
FY17 - Industry, Trade and Services
FY17 - Social Protection
FY17 - Public Administration
FY17 - Health
FY17 - Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance,FY17 - Municipal Institution Building,FY17 - Economic Growth and Planning,FY17 - Education Financing,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Urban Development,FY17 - Municipal Finance,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Education,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Domestic Revenue Administration,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - Disease Control,FY17 - Food Security,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - E-Government, incl. e-services,FY17 - Rural Markets,FY17 - Health Systems and Policies,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - ICT Solutions,FY17 - Debt Management,FY17 - Health Service Delivery,FY17 - Health System Strengthening,FY17 - Pandemic Response,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Social Safety Nets,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Nutrition and Food Security,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Health Finance,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Education Governance, School-Based Management,FY17 - Forced Displacement,FY17 - Health Systems and Policies,FY17 - Social protection delivery systems,FY17 - Social Safety Nets,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Teachers,FY17 - Fragility, Conflict and Violence,FY17 - Pandemic Response,FY17 - Disease Control,FY17 - Education,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Education Financing,FY17 - Science and Technology,FY17 - Pandemic Response,FY17 - Disease Control,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Skills Development,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Education Facilities,FY17 - Labor Market Policy and Programs,FY17 - Job Creation,FY17 - Education Governance, School-Based Management,FY17 - Education,FY17 - Municipal Finance,FY17 - Economic Growth and Planning,FY17 - Education Financing,FY17 - Health Systems and Policies,FY17 - Urban Development,FY17 - Fiscal Policy,FY17 - Health Finance,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - Education,FY17 - Flood and Drought Risk Management,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,FY17 - Pandemic Response,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Watershed Management,FY17 - Agriculture Finance,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Finance for Development,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Disaster Preparedness,FY17 - Disease Control,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Rural Markets,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Urban Infrastructure and Service Delivery,FY17 - Gender,FY17 - Fragility, Conflict and Violence,FY17 - Road Safety,FY17 - Disaster Preparedness,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Forced Displacement,FY17 - Job Creation,FY17 - Urban Development,FY17 - Disaster Risk Management,FY17 - Public Transport,FY17 - Jobs,FY17 - Adaptation,FY17 - Trade Facilitation,FY17 - Trade,FY17 - Climate change,FY17 - Road Safety,FY17 - Domestic Revenue Administration,FY17 - Urban Development,FY17 - ICT,FY17 - E-Government, incl. e-services,FY17 - Regional Integration,FY17 - Public Finance Management,FY17 - Mitigation,FY17 - Public Transport,FY17 - Public Administration,FY17 - ICT Solutions
FY17 - Rural and Inter-Urban Roads,FY17 - Public Administration - Transportation,FY17 - ICT Infrastructure,FY17 - Rural and Inter-Urban Roads,FY17 - Public Administration - Transportation,FY17 - Secondary Education,FY17 - Primary Education,FY17 - Sub-National Government,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Workforce Development and Vocational Education,FY17 - Tertiary Education,FY17 - Public Administration - Education,FY17 - Health,FY17 - Secondary Education,FY17 - Primary Education,FY17 - Sub-National Government,FY17 - Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Health,FY17 - Central Government (Central Agencies),FY17 - Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business,FY17 - Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry,FY17 - Irrigation and Drainage,FY17 - Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities,FY17 - Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management,FY17 - Public Administration - Social Protection,FY17 - Social Protection,FY17 - Health Facilities and Construction,FY17 - Primary Education
TF0A7846-AFRICA CLIMATE RESILIENCE INVESTMENT FACILITY (AFRI-RES),TF0B1001-Enhancing Agriculture Productivity through Appropriate Infrastructure a,TF0B4210-BIGRS Safety Assessments in Uganda