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Leveraging Procedural Reforms to Improve Commercial Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina (الإنجليزية)

This report focuses on recommendations for the improvement of civil procedure rules and selected trial processes with the aim to increase procedural efficiency and reduce bottlenecks in commercial case processing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The following aspects of case processing are analyzed: (i) service of process; (ii) hearings and adjournments; (iii) expert witnesses; (iv) bankruptcy trustees; (v) court fees; (vi) internal court rules;...
انظر المزيد

الوثيقة أيضا متوفرة بـ Bosnian


تنزيل الملفات

تقرير كامل

نسخة رسمية من الوثيقة (قد تضم توقيعات، الخ)

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