Vietnam - Dong Nai Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project : additional financing : procurement plan : Việt Nam - Dự án Tăng Cường Năng Suất Cạnh Tranh Chăn Nuôi và An toàn Thực Phẩm Đồng Nai : bổ sung vốn : kế hoạch mua sắm (الفييتنامية)
Việt Nam - Dự án Tăng Cường Năng Suất Cạnh Tranh Chăn Nuôi và An toàn Thực Phẩm Đồng Nai : bổ sung vốn : kế hoạch mua sắm
VN-Additional Financing to Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project -- P151946,VN-Vietnam Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety -- P090723
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
FY17 - Health
FY17 - Rural Markets,FY17 - Agriculture Finance,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Finance for Development,FY17 - Land Administration and Management,FY17 - Finance for Development,FY17 - Biodiversity,FY17 - Rural Development,FY17 - Rural Markets,FY17 - Landscape Management,FY17 - Agriculture Finance,FY17 - Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,FY17 - Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management
FY17 - Livestock,FY17 - Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry,FY17 - Fisheries,FY17 - Health,FY17 - Livestock,FY17 - Fisheries,FY17 - Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other Support Activities
TF0A2575-Food Safety Risks Management: Synergies between Domestic and Trade-Rela,TF055395-PHRD-VIETNAM: LIVESTOCK COMPETITIVENESS AND FOOD SAFETY PROJECT