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Bolivia - Decentralized infrastructure for rural transformation project : Bolivie - Projet de transformation des zones rurales au moyen d'infrastructures décentralisées (الفرنسية)

This results profile talks about the electricity access in rural Bolivia. The project is providing new electrical services to an estimated 130,000 people in rural and urban areas of Bolivia. In rural, remote areas of Bolivia, the project has developed a new model to provide sustainable access to solar electricity, grid extension and installation of solar home systems in individual homes as well as schools and clinics, reaching some of the poorest...
انظر المزيد

الوثيقة أيضا متوفرة بـ الإنجليزية, الإسبانية


  • 2010/9/20

  • مذكرة موجزة

  • 97552

  • 1

  • 1

  • بوليفيا,

  • أمريكا اللاتينية والبحر الكاريبي,

  • 2015/11/25

  • Disclosed

  • Bolivie - Projet de transformation des zones rurales au moyen d'infrastructures décentralisées

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