The overall objective of the current technical advisory services is to assist and support the Ministry of Economy Entrepreneurship and Crafts in its efforts to strengthen Croatia’s clusters position in...
Shifting Kenya’s private sector into higher gear: a trade and competitiveness agenda’ was born out of the World Bank’s Trade and Competitiveness (T&C) Global Practice recent stock taking of its work in...
The World Bank Group has been working on investment climate reform in Sub-Saharan Africa for nearly a decade, a period characterized by dramatic economic growth on the continent. Establishing links between...
Kenya’s textile and apparel sector has the potential to play a key role in anchoring the country’s deeper movement into middle income status and in serving as a source of gainful employment for its fast...
The book offers a realistic assessment of experiences, trends, and outlook on the Information, Communications Technology (ICT) sector, with a focus on actual results and justified expectations. It attempts...
The book offers a realistic assessment of experiences, trends, and outlook on the Information, Communications Technology (ICT) sector, with a focus on actual results and justified expectations. It attempts...
This toolkit is premised on the fact that effective Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is integral to the design and implementation of effective e-strategies. Developing M&E components of e-strategies is...