This paper describes the design of a multi-stage stratified sample for the Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2016/17. This survey instrument will be used by the Government of Bangladesh...
This paper describes the design of a multi-stage stratified sample for the Bangladesh household income and expenditure survey 2016-17. This survey instrument will be used by the Government of Bangladesh...
This paper studies the benefits, in terms of reliability and frequency of poverty statistics, of conducting a hybrid survey that collects non-consumption data from all surveyed households and consumption...
Throughout the 2000-2010 decade, Bangladesh experienced steady and strong gross domestic product (GDP) growth of nearly 6 percent per year on average. During this period, poverty rates also demonstrated...
The purpose of this report is to document some of the aforementioned achievements over the 2000-2010 decade and to illustrate their collective impact on poverty in Bangladesh. Analysis is undertaken to...
Poverty mapping is a statistical exercise to estimate the incidence of poverty at sub-national levels to enable the government, civil society organizations, and development partners to accurately identify...
Poverty mapping is a statistical exercise to estimate the incidence of poverty at sub-national levels to enable the government, civil society organizations, and development partners to accurately identify...