Education is the acquisition of knowledge and skills which plays a fundamental role in poverty alleviation and economic growth. Since 2001, annual new World Bank commitments to education have more than...
This paper reviews recent impact evaluations of interventions and programs to improve child anthropometric outcomes- height, weight, and birth weight-with an emphasis on both the findings and the limitations...
This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank's country-level HIV/AIDS assistance defined as policy dialogue, analytic work, and lending with the explicit objective of reducing...
This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank's country-level HIV/AIDS assistance defined as policy dialogue, analytic work, and lending with the explicit objective of reducing...
This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank's country-level HIV/AIDS assistance defined as policy dialogue, analytic work, and lending with the explicit objective of reducing...
The authors analyze the relationship between orphan status, household wealth, and child school enrollment using data collected in the 1990s from 28 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean...
The AIDS epidemic is dramatically increasing mortality of adults in many Sub-Saharan African countries, with potentially severe consequences for surviving family members. Until now, most of these impacts...
This paper presents the findings and recommendations of the World Bank AIDS Vaccine Task Force, formed in April 1998 to identify how the institution can accelerate the development of an AIDS vaccine for...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
Will China resist the Asian flu? an economic roundup. China's state-owned companies need urgent reform. The sale goes on: transforming small enterprises in China. Local governments: testing grounds for...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
How important to India's poor is the sectoral composition of economic growth? Martin Ravallion and Gaurav Datt Is debt crisis history? Recent private capital inflows to developing countries. Michael Dooley...
Nigeria has experienced high fertility and rapid population growth for at least the past thirty years. Only recently have public authorities launched efforts to promote contraceptive use. In this article...
During the 1980s the population of Sub-Saharan Africa grew at a rate of 3.1 percent per year, the highest of any developing region (World Bank 1993). The population of South Asia, the developing region...
This article examines the relationship between female schooling and two behaviors, cumulative fertility and contraceptive use, in fourteen Sub-Saharan African countries where Demographic and Health Surveys...
This paper examines the relationship between female schooling and two behaviors - cumulative fertility and contraceptive use - in fourteen sub-Saharan African countries where Demographic and Health Surveys...
This paper examines the relationship between female schooling and two behaviors - cumulative fertility and contraceptive use - in fourteen sub-Saharan African countries where Demographic and Health Surveys...