This report focuses on the impact of the war in Ukraine on the energy sector in 2022 and early 2023 and Its implications at the macro and micro level in the EU. The EU is a net importer of energy and is...
Following a strong recovery after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, growth in the European Union (EU) is expected to sharply decelerate in 2023 as high inflation and increasingly tight monetary policy...
This note provides an overview to the Romanian Public Finance System, the way that the system is monitored in a micro-simulation tool to assess distributional aspects of fiscal policy, and the overall...
This report is about supporting vaccine uptake through addressing hesitancy in Romania.
The period of the COVID-19 pandemic will be marked and remembered. It will certainly be known for the ongoing health crisis that has reverberated across the world, leading to significant social impacts...
General government in Poland consists of central government, local governments, and social insurance sector. Collection of taxes and contributions happens within centralized system, and the system is unified...
Air quality in Poland is under considerably national and international scrutiny. Residential buildings, and among them single-family buildings (SFBs), represent one of the largest contributors to ambient...
This report provides an overview of the third phase of the Poland catching-up regions initiative (PL CuR3). It presents components that have been delivered over the period July 2018 to June 2019 in collaboration...
The 2008 crisis marked the beginning of a lost decade for many countries - and many people - in the European Union (EU). The crises of 2008 and 2012 halted, and in some countries undid, a decade of growth...
The development objective of the Survey on Household Living Conditions Project is to improve the Central Statistical Organization of Myanmar's capacity to produce and analyze quality household survey data.The...
Growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) continues to be resilient and in line with previous expectations. Already robust domestic demand has been supported by some pickup in external demand and...
In the six months since the previous East Asia and Pacific (EAP) economic update, developing EAP has faced a challenging external environment. Financial market conditions in the region, however, have been...
Education has played an important role in making Vietnam a development success story over the last 20 years. In the 1990s and early 2000s Vietnam experienced rapid economic growth. The accelerated growth...
This report examines the lives of poor men, women, and children and explores the constraints and opportunities they face today in rising out of poverty. It builds on a rich body of poverty analysis and...
This report examines the lives of poor men, women, and children and explores the constraints and opportunities they face today in rising out of poverty. It builds on a rich body of poverty analysis and...
In recent decades, women across the globe have made positive strides toward gender equality. Literacy rates for young women and girls are higher than ever before, while gender gaps in primary education...
This paper takes stock of the World Bank's risk and vulnerability analysis from FY2000 to FY2007. It complements recent assessments of Social Protection and Labor (SP&L) sector's lending and analytic activities...