This paper combines official subnational and remote-sensed data to uncover the relationships between business cycles in Türkiye and the corresponding changes in economic activity at lower levels of spatial...
This report relies on several data sources. The main source providing the poverty, inequality and labor figures herein is the 2019/20 Household Budget Survey (Inquérito sobre Orçamento Familiar, IOF2019/2020)...
Türkiye’s economic growth in the last two decades has been remarkably rapid and inclusive, raising household incomes and bringing millions of people out of poverty. Growth has been broad based and has...
Turkey’s economic performance has been a tale of two economies, overall high growth, matched by a deterioration in macro-financial conditions. Good progress in vaccination rollouts allowed Turkey to reopen...
Inflation is typically measured using aggregate price indices that are based on bundles of goods and services sold or consumed by the “median” agent. In the case of households, in particular, budget shares...
COVID-19 (coronavirus) has taken a heavy toll on Turkey, as it has across much of the world. New estimates of total COVID-19 cases indicate that the epidemic grew rapidly over November and into December...
This paper estimates the long-term effects on human capital accumulation and subsequent labor market outcomes of in utero and early childhood exposure to the civil war in El Salvador (1980-92), the second...
This paper combines remote-sensed data and individual child, mother, and household-level data from the Demographic and Health Surveys for 5 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to design a prototype drought-contingent...
Mozambique’s economy has experienced strong growth over the last two decades, with GDP expanding at an annual average rate of 7.2 percent. However, this growth has been unequally shared and rural areas...
Mozambique’s economy has experienced strong growth over the last two decades, with GDP expanding at an annual average rate of 7.2 percent. However, this growth has been unequally shared and rural areas...
Mozambique’s economy has experienced strong growth over the last two decades, with GDP expanding at an annual average rate of 7.2 percent. However, this growth has been unequally shared and rural areas...
As 2019 drew to a close, a year when Mozambique faced devastation caused by two severe cyclones, the country looks ahead having made significant progress in terms of economic stability, having strengthened...
Changes in food prices – triggered frequently by natural disasters, macroeconomic shocks or regional market disruptions– can lead to large household welfare effects. At over 60 and 40 percent, food budget...
The objective of the National Statistics And Data For Development Project is to improve the production and dissemination of quality socioeconomic statistics. The project will also support the use of data...
Thanks to strong economic growth over the last two decades, poverty in Mozambique has decreased and the average household is now more likely to access basic education, health, and housing. Yet, the country...
This paper investigates the effects of multiple weather shocks on household welfare in Mozambique, as well as some of the coping responses and price mechanisms at play. The analysis employs a triple-difference...
This paper investigates the effects of multiple weather shocks on household welfare in Mozambique, as well as some of the coping responses and price mechanisms at play. The analysis employs a triple-difference...