Sierra Leone is highly vulnerable to natural hazards whose impacts are exacerbated by unplanned rapid urbanization. The main victims of climate change risks and impacts in urban Sierra Leone are the urban...
Cities offer enormous opportunities for economic growth and job creation. When local businesses succeed, they create demand for workers, inputs, materials, and additional services, increase productivity...
In over 70 years since its independence, Indonesia has been transformed by urbanization, and within the next quarter of a century, its transition to an urban society will be almost complete. While urbanization...
Urbanization in Cambodia offers the potential for inclusive growth and poverty reduction. The proportion of people living in cities is on the rise, and many of the drivers of growth for the country are...
Urbanization has provided opportunities for economic growth and poverty reduction in countries all over the world. Cities are well positioned to provide services due to the economies of scale that the...
Urbanization has provided opportunities for economic growth and poverty reduction in countries all over the world. Cities are well positioned to provide services due to the economies of scale that the...
Urbanization in East Asia and the Pacific has created enormous opportunity for many. Yet the rapid growth of cities can also create challenges as national and local governments try to keep up with the...
Urbanization is a driving force for growth and poverty reduction. Globally, over 80 percent of economic activity is concentrated in cities, and cities are essential for lifting millions of people out of...
Urbanization is a driving force for growth and poverty reduction. Globally, over 80 percent of economic activity is concentrated in cities, and cities are essential for lifting millions of people out of...
Urbanization presents an enormous opportunity for Cambodia. As has been demonstrated in countries around the world, urbanization is a driving force for growth and poverty reduction. Given Cambodia’s relatively...
Urbanization presents an enormous opportunity for Cambodia. As has been demonstrated in countries around the world, urbanization is a driving force for growth and poverty reduction. Given Cambodia’s relatively...
The main report includes an introductory chapter covering the context, analytical framework, and methodology for the study; chapter two covers main findings and policy recommendations related to economic...
The main report includes an introductory chapter covering the context, analytical framework, and methodology for the study; chapter two covers main findings and policy recommendations related to economic...
The main report includes an introductory chapter covering the context, analytical framework, and methodology for the study; chapter two covers main findings and policy recommendations related to economic...
This policy note provides a summary of extensive analysis carried out on urban poverty in Indonesia today and a review of main urban poverty programs, with the objective of providing the basis for an urban...
Indonesia's Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) is the largest Community Driven Development (CDD) program in the world covering all urban wards (PNPM-Urban) and rural villages (PNPM-Rural)...
This policy note provides a summary of extensive analysis carried out on urban poverty in Indonesia today and a review of main urban poverty programs, with the objective of providing the basis for an urban...
Indonesia's Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) is the largest Community Driven Development (CDD) program in the world covering all urban wards (PNPM-Urban) and rural villages (PNPM-Rural)...
The rapid and oft en unplanned expansion of cities is exposing more people and economic assets to the risk of disasters and the effects of climate change. For city governments, increased climate variability...
Poor people living in slums are at particularly high risk from the impacts of climate change and natural hazards. They live on the most vulnerable land within cities, typically areas deemed undesirable...