Rigorous evidence of the effectiveness of male engagement interventions, particularly on how these interventions impact relationship power dynamics and women's decision-making, remains limited. This study...
Despite advances in gender equality, women and girls still face disadvantages and limits on their agency. Men and boys can be key stakeholders and allies to increase women's agency. This paper focuses...
The authors carried out an extensive literature review, identified promising programs applying a gender perspective to work with young men, carried out 50 informant interviews with staff working with young...
The paper analyzes the experiences of 23 programs working with at-risk youth around the world: 13 in primary prevention, six in secondary prevention and four in tertiary attention. The lessons learned...
The paper analyzes the experiences of 23 programs working with at-risk youth around the world: 13 in primary prevention, six in secondary prevention and four in tertiary attention. The lessons learned...