This paper examines the labor market and jobs in urban Kinshasa, by drawing on a recently collected household survey and other data sets. It particularly focuses on labor supply and employment patterns...
This paper examines living conditions—mainly access to infrastructure and basic services—in Kinshasa, by focusing on how they vary within the city and how they are related to household characteristics...
This paper proposes monetary poverty and inequality estimates for Kinshasa using a new Kinshasa household survey implemented in 2018. Given the obsolescence of the sampling frame, the survey was sampled...
This paper examines spatial heterogeneity in the impacts of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban household incomes in Ethiopia and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Combining new panel...
The development objective of Statistics Development Project for Democratic Republic of Congo is to strengthen the capacity of the National Statistical System to produce and disseminate core economic and...
En Guinée, la croissance inclusive dépendra de la réintégration des jeunes dans l'économie moderne et productive. Cette étude vise à identifier les principaux défis et opportunités pour accélérer leur...
Despite abundant natural endowments, including mining and favorable agroclimatic conditions, Guinea remains a low-income country where poverty reduction and shared prosperity have not materialized over...
The development objective of Statistics Development Project for Democratic Republic of Congo is to strengthen the capacity of the National Statistical System to produce and disseminate core economic and...
The development objective of Catalytic Project to Strengthen the National Statistical Institute (INS) for Democratic Republic of Congo of is to strengthen the capacity of INS to generate and disseminate...