This study stems from a research project in the subfield of rural economic organization, with a focus on credit and irrigation, and on how public policy in these domains influenced agricultural development...
The World Bank Economic Review is a professional journal used for the dissemination of research in development economics broadly relevant to the development profession and to the World Bank in pursuing...
Policy makers bemoan the lack of research findings to guide urgent decisions, whereas researchers’ professional code puts rigor first. This article argues that provisional assessments, produced early in...
Policy makers bemoan the lack of research findings to guide urgent decisions, whereas researchers' professional code puts rigor first. This article argues that provisional assessments, produced early in...
This paper analyzes the effects of all-weather rural roads on households' net output prices, education and health in a poor, drought-prone region of India. Of 30 villages originally surveyed in 2001-02...
India's rural roads program, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, aims to draw villagers into the mainstream by improving not only their terms of trade, but also their educational attainments and health...
All-weather rural roads usually improve not only villagers' terms of trade, but also their educational attainments and health. Obtaining empirical estimates of the benefits generated by the first is straightforward...
An AIDS epidemic threatens Ethiopia with a long wave of premature adult mortality, and thus with an enduring setback to capital formation and economic growth. The authors develop a two-sector model with...
The AIDS epidemic threatens Kenya with a long wave of premature adult mortality, and thus with an enduring setback to the formation of human capital and economic growth. To investigate this possibility...
Primarily a disease of young adults, Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) imposes economic costs that could be devastatingly high in the long run by undermining the transmission of human capital...
The authors analyze the example of a landlord, a moneylender, and a tenant (the landlord having access to finance on the same terms as the money lender). It is natural to assume that the landlord has first...
In an attempt to expand rural credit and displace the village moneylender, India created a system of rural cooperatives in the 1950s and expanded branch banking into rural areas in the 1970s. This article...
Introduction: imperfect information and rural credit markets - puzzles and policy perspectives. Credit markets in northern Nigeria: credit as insurance in a rural economy. The Thai rural credit system:...
The economics of the government budget constraint. Reforming property rights in land and tenancy. Inflation and the costs of stabilization: historical and recent experiences and policy lessons. The role...
This article examines the nature and distribution of property rights in land and how they are changing under economic and demographic pressures. It also analyzes the practical chances of success of several...
For purposes of social cost-benefit analysis, a project may be viewed as a disturbance to the economy, displacing it from some initial equilibrium to a new one. But the new configuration will depend on...
From the early use of fixed coefficient Input-Output models in analyzing the consistency and technical feasibility of development plans, economy-wide models have become indispensable tools of analyzis...
The dynamic, semi-input-output model presented can be used to test the consistency and feasibility of medium-term economic plans and measure their effects on certain target variables. The results indicate...
This book discusses the total effects of the project on incomes and the net demands for goods and services in the economy. The differences between the total effects and the direct effects, the theme of...