The Doha round and preference erosion: a symposium by Bernard Hoekman; Doha merchandise trade reform: what is at stake for developing countries? By Kym Anderson, Will Martin, and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe;...
The authors estimate social rates of return to electricity-generating capacity and paved roads, relative to the return on general capital, by examining the effect on aggregate output and comparing that...
At the end of the 1980s, the road transport industries of Poland and Hungary emerged from decades of socialist organization with a small number of massive state-owned enterprises, surrounded by a margin...
This study explores options for the restructuring and the privatization of PKS, Poland's main state-owned enterprise for road transport of passengers and general freight. In the discussion of privatization...
Part 1 of this report reviews and analyses the ocean shipping regulations that operated at the end of the 1970s, the system resulting from the deregulation act of 1979 and other changes in the law in the...
The taxation of road transport has two purposes: to charge road users for the costs they impose on the road and on other users, and to raise revenue for the government. In designing a tax system or in...
This note describes the links between the transport industry and other economic sectors of production or demand, in Cote d'Ivoire, India, Mexico, Philippines and the United States. The account is based...