This paper uses Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to validate the theory of change developed for an evaluation of renewable energy strategies, identifying pathways for scaling up RE in a variety of...
This paper describes how a panel of global experts on renewable energy (RE) was convened to anticipate the major opportunities and challenges facing the scale-up of RE to meet sustainable development and...
China made impressive progress in developing renewable energy to provide access to clean energy and electricity to its predominantly rural population before the economic boom that followed the open door...
This report explores options to scale up and accelerate the energy transition to cleaner electricity and district heating generation mixes and reconcile the government’s concerns over the serious local...
This paper presents a statistical study of the geothermal resource risk in Indonesia, specifically, that the resource base and well productivity are adequate and that the drilling cost per well is reasonable...
With rapid development of wind power in China, the following three issues have become barriers for further scale-up: 1) concentration of wind farms in the Three-North region, which became significantly...
This report focuses on East Asia's sustainable energy development in its middle-income countries: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. This report suggests the strategic...
This report demonstrates that a "climate-smart" energy strategy is possible for countries in the East Asia region, with support from the international community. In the past three decades, the East Asia...
This policy note is a summary of the findings of a joint study of the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the World Bank. The policy note is organized as follows:...
This policy note is a summary of the findings of a joint study of the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the World Bank. The policy note is organized as follows:...
Many countries wishing to scale up grid-based renewable energy (RE) introduce policies that set national targets. But such policy decisions must be based on a solid analytical framework that evaluates...
This report proposes the development of a coordinated and comprehensive national policy within the Energy Law that is presently under preparation based on four foundational themes: reducing energy growth...
This report proposes the development of a coordinated and comprehensive national policy within the Energy Law that is presently under preparation based on four foundational themes: reducing energy growth...
This report documents the experience of developing a green electricity scheme in Shanghai, China. It is intended to be a resource when replicating this effort in another city or country. The study consists...
This paper presents an indicative roadmap for establishment of an effective and functioning State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) for China by the end of 2003. The roadmap has been prepared based...
This paper presents an indicative roadmap for establishment of an effective and functioning State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) for China by the end of 2003. The roadmap has been prepared based...
This report proposes a strategy for developing competitive pool markets in China's power sector and for increasing energy trade between competitive pool markets areas. A three-stage approach is offered...
This paper discusses issues and explores options related to the reform of the power sector regulatory system in China. It stresses that for the power sector reforms to succeed, regulation must be transformed...