This paper briefly reviews the main theories of state versus private ownership and empirical evidence on the impact of privatization in developing countries (including transition economies). The paper...
In many developing countries, achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 will require significant increases in expenditures on social services and in foreign assistance. It will also require...
This book assembles methodologies and techniques to evaluate the poverty impact of macroeconomic policies. It takes as a departure point a companion volume, the impact of economic policies on poverty and...
Measuring the incidence of public spending in education requires an intergenerational framework distinguishing between what current and future generations - that is, parents and children - give and receive...
To address these broad questions: How to analyze the impact of globalization? What is the effect of rich countries' policies on developing ones? How to redefine the development agenda and scale-up the...
This year, the workshop examined the conceptual foundation of the workshop sessions by discussing the definition of equity itself. What do we mean by equity, and how does equity differ from equality? Whereas...
Water and development in Tunisia - interview with Pier Francesco Mantovani. The World Bank supports efforts for development and growth in Algeria; by Ives Duvivier. World Bank-Tunisia field office opening...
The annual World Bank conference on development economics is one of the world's best-known series of conferences on development. It seeks to expand the flow of ideas among scholars and practitioners of...
This volume presents a collection of studies on the dynamics of income inequality based on micro data. Using a simple but powerful empirical methodology, the authors analyze the roles of prices, occupational...
Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) - World Bank-Kingdom of Morocco cooperation strategy, 2005-2009. Responsiveness of country assistance strategies to partners' diverse needs; by Shengman Zhang, and Jim...
This paper presents an ongoing debate on poverty reduction strategies and examines the issue of actual contribution of economic growth to poverty reduction. The author concentrates on a theory that faster...
Child labor and development : an introduction, by Kaushik Basu and Zafiris Tzannatos. The global child labor problem : what do we know and what can we do, by Kaushik Basu and Zafiris Tzannatos. Child labor...
International knowledge flows and economic performance - a review of the evidence; by Giorgio Barba Navaretti and David G. Tarr. Do trade patterns and technology flows affect productivity growth? By Wolfgang...
In this paper an analysis of the long term adjustment of the Brazilian labor market is carried out. During the last years of the "miracle period", shortage of unskilled labor could well characterize the...