Despite sustained economic growth over the past two decades, Sub-Saharan Africa faces massive challenges and significant gaps in many development outcomes. Although poverty has been declining, a recent...
This quarterly publication provides the latest rigorous evidence on crucial issues for development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Each article aims to give specific evidence-based information. In this issue, the...
This Africa's pulse newsletter includes the following headings: economic prospects for Sub-Saharan Africa remain strong, but growth is vulnerable to a sharp decline in commodity prices; the region's progress...
This quarterly publication provides the latest rigorous evidence on crucial issues for development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Each article aims to give specific evidence-based information. In this issue, the...
This Africa's pulse newsletter includes the following headings: Sub-Saharan African countries continue to grow at a steady pace; the region's decade-long economic expansion appears sustainable; and for...
This Africa's pulse newsletter includes the following headings: Sub-Saharan African countries continue to grow at a steady pace; the region's decade-long economic expansion appears sustainable; and for...
The World Bank's Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) is an important knowledge product that assesses the performance of 39 IDA countries along 16 dimensions of policy and institutional quality...
This Africa's pulse newsletter includes the following headings: recent economic trends; global economic developments; and trends and outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa.
This Africa's pulse newsletter includes the following heading: recent economic trends; and the challenge of employment in Africa: raising the productivity of the informal sector.