This volume contains written contributions from some of the key actors involved on both the Chinese and the World Bank sides in the past four decades of partnership. It is clear that the World Bank from...
This paper is divided into four sections. The first provides a quick overview of the current political and economic situation, focusing in particular on the stagnation of growth and deepening macroeconomic...
This book deals with the perceptions of the author, Shahid Javed Burki, on world economies and the World Bank's work with them. It is complied from various speeches and discourses given by the author during...
The study focuses on decentralization, referring to the process of returning the political, fiscal, and administrative powers, to sub-national units of government. It examines the decentralization transformation...
The study focuses on decentralization, referring to the process of returning the political, fiscal, and administrative powers, to sub-national units of government. It examines the decentralization transformation...
This report deals with the Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin American and the Caribbean, held in San Salvador, El Salvador, in 1998. Opening remarks by Shahid Javed Burki were followed...
This report examines the precise nature of the required institutional reforms needed to achieve higher sustained rates of growth and to make a dent in poverty reduction and provides a framework for their...
This third Annual Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) focuses on trade liberalization policy, specifically "open regionalism," a term coined to describe the fact that...
This report of the proceedings of the Second Annual Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (ABCD-LAC) focuses on prospects for reducing poverty and improving inequality. Latin...
This report examines the precise nature of the required institutional reforms needed to achieve higher sustained rates of growth and to make a dent in poverty reduction and provides a framework for their...
This first Annual Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) took stock of the immediate challenges created by the peso crisis and its aftermath and of the longer-term evidence...
This report introduces a new World Bank publication which will review and analyze on a yearly basis the most important developments in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) during the preceding 12 months...
This paper is the second annual report by the Office of the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Vice President of the World Bank on the state of the region's economics. It focuses on the most important...
This volume contains two comments on Jefferson and Rawski's "How Industrial Reform Worked in China: the Role of Innovation, Competition, and Property Rights," followed by a floor discussion summary. The...
Unemployment in Eastern Europe: social disease or economic necessity? A new wave of structural reforms in China - managing unleasing of market forces. Rich menu from China's reform kitchen. Hungary needs...
Taming China's wild west - Xinjiang, a region rediscovered Interview with John Flemming of the EBRD - responsibilities when output and hopes fall in eastern Europe. The Baltics: union or free trade agreement?...
This paper describes the main characteristics of the Mongolian economy, delineates the reforms that are being introduced for the purposes of adjustment and structural change and finally defines the nature...
This volume is, in the best sense of the term, a collective effort. It was decided to make available to a wider public the fruits of the World Bank's sectoral explorations in China. One by one the various...
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issue: China is changing by Shahid Javed Burki; are you pestophobic? By Mary Lou Ingram; Eugene Black at 90 by Jill Roessner; redefining privatization...
This Bank's world newsletter includes some of the following issue: beyond the rhetoric, by S.Javed Burki and David Bock; engineering development, by Marjorie Messiter; the bank's business briefing, by...