Investments in early years of education and childhood development are among the most cost-effective and beneficial a country can make to tackle learning poverty, promote healthy child development, and...
The World Bank has been implementing the Training Assessment Project (TAP) under the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) Initiative of the World Bank’s (WB) Education Global Practice...
The assessment is aimed at identifying and assessing the current conditions and common practices under which Romanian training institutions operate and providing policy makers and training providers with...
This report reflects on the Indonesian school system's response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, assesses the influences of these policies on children in Indonesia, and discusses lessons learned...
Zambia’s seventh national development plan (7NDP) sets ambitious targets for economic growth and poverty reduction. Technology can play an important role as Zambia advances this vision for economic transformation...
South Africa is one of the digital economy leaders on the African continent, but lags developed countries. In this context, the digital economy for Africa targets appear within reach for South Africa...
The global technology and innovation frontier pushes forward at a rapid pace, and countries around the world seek to either keep up, or catch up. Countries at the frontier are forward-looking, have robust...
This report seeks to assist the Governments of Botswana, Lesotho, and Zambia to more effectively develop job ready secondary education graduates, who are better placed to increase their earnings and stay...
This case study explores the establishment and changing role of Pustekkom, the Centre for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Education, which is part of the Ministry of Education and Culture...
The future development of Africa and its participation in the knowledge society will be greatly influenced by how Africa manages to deliver quality education to its citizens. Education forms the basis...