R&D tax incentives (RDTIs) are among the most popular instruments that governments in both developing and developed economies employ to induce private investment in research and development (R&D). RDTIs...
Imported digital goods are critical for productivity growth in low-income countries. Using detailed data on international trade flows and tariffs, this paper finds that African nations tend to import relatively...
The Russian invasion has had diverse effects on businesses, causing significant damage to Ukraine’s private sector. These effects can be attributed to three primary channels of transmission: disruptions...
Kosovo, one of the youngest countries in an aging Europe, took its first steps on the road to greater prosperity a quarter of a century ago. Kosovo’s economy has experienced significant growth in recent...
To boost economic growth and foster sustained formal job creation in Kosovo, igniting firm productivity is crucial. Based on detailed micro-data, this note examines the characteristics and recent evolution...
Kosovo, one of the youngest countries in an aging Europe, took its first steps on the road to greater prosperity a quarter of a century ago. Kosovo’s economy has experienced significant growth in recent...
Kosovo, one of the youngest countries in an aging Europe, took its first steps on the road to greater prosperity a quarter of a century ago. Kosovo’s economy has experienced significant growth in recent...
Kosovo, one of the youngest countries in an aging Europe, took its first steps on the road to greater prosperity a quarter of a century ago. Kosovo’s economy has experienced significant growth in recent...
El objetivo de este informe es aportar información para la formulación de políticas públicas en Guatemala relacionadas con la recuperación de las empresas, el empleo y la transformación económica. Se ofrecen...
The objective of this report is to inform public policies in Guatemala related to business recovery, jobs, and economic transformation. Analysis and actionable policy recommendations are provided in five...
El informe identifica la necesidad de reformas en cinco áreas complementarias para impulsar la recuperación, la productividad y la transformación económica: 1) el entorno regulatorio empresarial; 2) la...
The report identifies the need for reforms in five complementary areas to boost recovery, productivity, and economic transformation: 1) business regulatory environment; 2) foreign direct investment (FDI);...
This paper exploits unique features of a recently introduced tariff schedule for natural gas in Buenos Aires to estimate the short-run impact of price shocks on residential energy utilization. The schedule...
For many in Latin America, the increasing participation of China and India in international markets is seen as a looming shadow of two "mighty giants" on the region's manufacturing sector. Are they really...
For many in Latin America, the increasing participation of China and India in international markets is seen as a looming shadow of two 'mighty giants' on the region's manufacturing sector. Are they really...
The paper provides empirical estimates for import and revenue implications that would follow implementation of the planned customs union between the East African Community member states Kenya, Tanzania...