Argentina is one of the world's largest biodiesel producers and the largest exporter, using soybeans as feedstock. Using a computable general equilibrium model that explicitly represents the biofuel industry...
This paper uses an analytically tractable intertemporal framework for analyzing the dynamic pricing of a utility with an underdeveloped network (a typical case in most developing countries) facing a competitive...
Household income and child schooling in Vietnam; by Jere R. Behrman, and James C. Knowles. Benefit incidence, public spending reforms, and the timing of program capture; by Peter Lanjouw, and Martin Ravallion...
A computable general equilibrium (CQE) model is used to estimate the macroeconomic and distributional effects of the privatization and regulation of utilities in Argentina, begun in 1989. Based on data...
Utility regulators - the independence debate. Utility regulators - roles and responsibilities. Utility regulators - decisionmaking structures, resources and start-up strategy. Utility regulation - a critical...