This report reviews how secondary towns and cities in Africa can better prepare for and manage the internal economic migration of workers to the mutualbenefit of cities and migrants alike. This study...
Little evidence exists on the effectiveness of packaged interventions, however, let alone on the appropriate mix, the adequate sequencing, or the effectiveness of different governance arrangements. When...
This paper analyses internal migration in Jendouba and Kairouan, two secondary cities in Tunisia and explores how well migrants integrate into local labor markets focusing on an assessment of labor market...
The agri-food system (AFS) employs about one third of the global workforce and contributes about one third of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This together with its large exposure to the effects...
Modern inputs and mechanization are promoted across Africa to raise smallholder labor productivity and broker the structural transformation. Yet, adoption has remained low and the implications for returns...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Wielkopolska, which is most advanced in the transition out of coal. Finding viable job...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Silesia. The findings call for a more territorial-oriented approach to brokering the...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Lower Silesia. The findings call for a more territorial-oriented approach to brokering...
Coal-related jobs are at the forefront of the disruption brought about by the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities...
towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities, whereas many others may not. The resulting disruption to jobs and livelihoods may exacerbate...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Silesia. The findings call for a more territorial-oriented approach to brokering the...
Disruptive agricultural technologies (DATs) hold great promise to increase smallholder farmers’ incomes and generate high quality employment off the farm (including for youth). By reducing transaction...
Africa’s rural population continues to expand rapidly and labor productivity in agriculture and many rural off farm activities remains low. This paper uses the lens of a dual economy and the associated...
In our rapidly urbanizing world, mayors often see migrants as a burden to their city’s labor market and a threat to its development. Drawing on national household surveys and four secondary city case studies...
The affordability of nutritious diets is increasingly used as a metric of how well a food system provides access to nutritious diets for all. Recent work on least-cost diets has focused on individuals...
Frequent measurement of poverty is challenging because measurement often relies on complex and expensive expenditure surveys that try to measure expenditures on a comprehensive consumption aggregate. This...
The economic and social development of nations relies on their population having physical access to services and employment opportunities. For the vast majority of the 3.4 billion people living in rural...
The world is urbanizing, with internal migration historically an important driver. Internal migration is also widely feared as source of urban underdevelopment. In addressing Africa’s employment challenge...
While city migrants see their welfare increase much more than those moving to towns, many more rural-urban migrants end up in towns. This phenomenon, documented in detail in Kagera, Tanzania, begs the...
This report analyzes the consequences for the labor force of Western Macedonia’s (Greece) decarbonization as part of Europe’s new Green Deal. Already, the region records the highest unemployment rate of...