Business and politicians' interaction is pervasive but has mostly been analyzed with a binary approach, i.e. either a firm is connected to a politician or not. Yet the network dimensions of such connections...
It is widely accepted that the costs of underpricing energy are large, whether in advanced or developing countries. This paper explores how large these costs can be by focussing on the size of the external...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region is home to 5.5 percent of the world's population, 3.3 percent of its GDP and 48 percent of its energy subsidies. Covering petroleum products, natural gas...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region is home to 5.5 percent of the world's population, 3.3 percent of its GDP and 48 percent of its energy subsidies. Covering petroleum products, natural gas...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region is home to 5.5 percent of the world's population, 3.3 percent of its GDP and 48 percent of its energy subsidies. Covering petroleum products, natural gas...
This report primarily concerns the changing behavior of firms and their complex interaction with the labor market, most particularly with unemployment. The results reported here shed light on the factors...
This report primarily concerns the changing behavior of firms and their complex interaction with the labor market, most particularly with unemployment. The results reported here shed light on the factors...
This is the twentieth in the annual series assessing major development issues. The report is devoted to the role and effectiveness of the state: what it should do, how it should do it, and how it can improve...
This is the twentieth in the annual series assessing major development issues. The report is devoted to the role and effectiveness of the state: what it should do, how it should do it, and how it can improve...
This is the twentieth in the annual series assessing major development issues. The report is devoted to the role and effectiveness of the state: what it should do, how it should do it, and how it can improve...
This is the twentieth in the annual series assessing major development issues. The report is devoted to the role and effectiveness of the state: what it should do, how it should do it, and how it can improve...
هذا التقرير هو العشرين في سلسلة من التقارير السنوية التي تتناول بالتقييم قضايا التنمية الرئيسية. وهذا التقرير مكرس لتبيان دور وفعالية الدولة: ما ينبغي أن تقوم به، وكيف السبيل إلى ذلك، وكيف يمكن التحسن...
This is the twentieth in the annual series assessing major development issues. The report is devoted to the role and effectiveness of the state: what it should do, how it should do it, and how it can improve...
This is the twentieth in the annual series assessing major development issues. The report is devoted to the role and effectiveness of the state: what it should do, how it should do it, and how it can improve...
This is the twentieth in the annual series assessing major development issues. The report is devoted to the role and effectiveness of the state: what it should do, how it should do it, and how it can improve...
This book is concerned with the role and organization of the enterprise sector in Russia, particularly Russia's concerted efforts to privatize ownership arrangements, and hence replace state control with...
One challenge in transition economies has been to avoid being caught between overrapid restructuring (harmful to the private sector) and gradual change (can undermine robust private sector emergence)...
Registered unemployment in Russia is now 2 percent; surveys indicate a true rate of between 5 and 6 percent. Until now, flow in and out of unemployment have been quite large, with duration low. This may...
Unemployment in Eastern Europe: social disease or economic necessity? A new wave of structural reforms in China - managing unleasing of market forces. Rich menu from China's reform kitchen. Hungary needs...
The authors analyze changes in the Russian labor market in 1992. They focus on the path of wages and employment in a context of partial price liberalization and considerable ambiguity about government...