Despite the importance of agriculture to the national economy of Pakistan and the major role played by the government in its development, a number of key issues have not been adequately addressed by existing...
This Banks World newsletter includes some of the following headings: managing a multicurrency borrowing program, by Adnan Akant; shipping water to a thirsty island, by Emmanuel D~^!!^Silva and Joseph Freedman;...
A basic premise of this paper is that carefully implemented agricultural research can be an efficient source of economic growth and is an important contributor to the achievement of key development objectives...
Fishery is an important sector in most developing countries; in many cases, it contributes over five percent to the gross national product (GNP). Some twelve million fishermen are to be found in these...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Credit Union's (CU's) long lines are seen as 'sign of progress'; international conference features Bank speakers; Mr. Clausen, may I...
This paper updates the Bank's interpretation of educational development, and recommends a flexible lending policy, governed primarily by five broad principles: equity, efficiency, expansion of basic educational...
This paper updates the Bank's interpretation of educational development, and recommends a flexible lending policy, governed primarily by five broad principles: equity, efficiency, expansion of basic educational...
This paper updates the Bank's interpretation of educational development, and recommends a flexible lending policy, governed primarily by five broad principles: equity, efficiency, expansion of basic educational...