Big data can sound remote and lacking a human dimension, with few obvious links to development and impacting the lives of the poor. Concepts such as anti-poverty targeting, market access or rural electrification...
نوع الوثيقة: ورقة عمل
رقم التقرير: 107751
تاريخ الوثيقة: 2016/01/01
حالة الافصاح: Disclosed
المؤلف: Fernandes,Erick C.M.,Jimenez,Daniel Regis,Delerce,Sylvain,Harten,Sven,Kaiser,Kai-Alexander,Kelm,Kathrine M.,Krambeck,Holly,Lemieux,Victoria Louise,Gaba,Kwawu Mensan,Newhouse,David Locke,Rodriguez,Camila,Villaveces,Andres,Wang,Wei Winnie,Adelman,Melissa Ann,Gonzalez,Alvaro S.,Hernandez Ore,Marco Antonio,Khokhar,Tariq Afzal,Kilic,Talip,Lozano Gracia,Nancy