The document collection focuses on various aspects of green bond issuance and market growth, emphasizing best practices and preparation processes. It delves into the segmentation and eligibility criteria...
The document collection focuses on various aspects of green bond issuance and market growth, emphasizing best practices and preparation processes. It delves into the segmentation and eligibility criteria...
No Brasil, cerca de metade do esgoto coletado é descartado sem tratamento. Esta situação cria problemas sérios para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Para obter os benefícios dos sistemas formais de saneamento...
About half of Brazil’s wastewater goes untreated, a situation that creates significant health and environmental problems. To achieve the benefits of formal sanitation systems, households must connect to...
The Recife Metropolitan Region (RMR), located in the state of Pernambuco in Northeast Brazil, has 4.1 million inhabitants, of which 99% have access to water and 34% (SNIS, 2019) to sanitation. However...
A Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), no estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, possui 4,1 milhões de habitantes, dos quais 99% têm acesso à água, e 34% têm acesso a esgoto (SNIS, 2019). Porém, prejuízos...