Provision of clean cooking for all is recognized as a critical cross-sectoral development issue. The potential societal benefits are enormous, particularly for public health, women’s productivity and empowerment...
Access to clean cooking solutions remains one of the most daunting development challenges. Based on the latest Global Tracking Framework, the annual access growth rate of 0.46 percentage points did not...
In 2012, five years after the start of Indonesia’s campaign to convert millions of households to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the Indonesia Clean Stove Initiative (CSI) was launched by the country’s...
The purpose of the current flagship report is to address energy access and related developmental issues in East Asia Pacific (EAP) that so far have received less attention compared to the macro energy...
Rural electrification programs are generally motivated by the effective and lasting impacts that they are expected to generate in the field. While there may be some natural trickle down effect from the...