Through planned activities and networking opportunities, Sector Fora events are intended to enhance Bank staff learning. Specific assumptions are: participation in high-quality learning events to increase...
The Brazil retrospective study comprised the following instruments: participant questionnaires administered to former participants in World Bank Institute (WBI)-sponsored activities during FY01-02; in-depth...
This study attempts to answer questions on the nature and causes of WBI's training relevance, effectiveness, utilization and influence for Brazilian participants during the fiscal years FY01 - FY02. Data...
This report provides an evaluation of the impact of World Bank Institute (WBI) client programs. The report discusses the evaluation methodology, results, and recommendations. In Chapter 2 an overview of...
Distance learning has become an important part of Economic Development Institute (EDI) effort at serving more people through the application of new technologies. The basic logic of utilizing these methods...
This document discusses a core course on social security and pension reform held in Vienna, Austria, sponsored by the World Bank. The course aimed to introduce participants to the analytical and political...
This report presents the evaluation design and methods used in the course and the results of the evaluation findings. The paper is divided into five parts. Following the present introduction in part one...
The World Bank and its client countries' concern with health sector reform prompted a learning program initiative that has evolved into the Economic Development Institute' s (EDI) core course on Health...