The World Bank’s analysis of cross-country data on human capital indicates that Uganda is underinvesting in the future productivity of its citizens. A child born in Uganda today will onlybe 38 percent...
An interesting consequence of the Arab Spring is that it is compelling the West to re-evaluate its understanding of the Middle East. Stereotypes and misconceptions have abounded, but today the region can...
Generating more and better quality jobs with higher productivity probably constitutes the most important challenge the Maghreb countries will face over the next decade. Despite relatively high and sustained...
Impressive results still leave Middle East and North Africa (MENA) with an education gap as compared to the rest of the world. With some exceptions, MENA countries have almost reached full primary education...
To ensure quality education for all people to achieve their potential and for all societies to eliminate poverty, stimulate growth and innovation, and ensure long-term development. Three quarters of countries...
One challenge facing countries in the Middle East and North Africa is born of the region's success over the past decades. In most countries, central governments made great efforts to extend access to basic...
أحد التحديات التي تواجه بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا تمخض عن نجاح المنطقة على مدى العقود الماضية؛ ففي معظم البلدان، بذلت الحكومات المركزية جهوداً ضخمة من أجل توسيع إمكانية الحصول على التعليم الأساسي...
One challenge facing countries in the Middle East and North Africa is born of the region's success over the past decades. In most countries, central governments made great efforts to extend access to basic...