In most destination countries, immigration policies are tilted more and more in favor of skilled individuals. Whether this shift hurts economic prospects in sending countries, as argued by the traditional...
The aim of this paper on the social assimilation of immigrants is to take a close look at migrants' social integration into the host country. The authors rely on the European Community Household panel...
This issue includes the following: migration, remittances, and the brain drain: a symposium in memory of Riccardo Faini - an introduction; by Jaime de Melo. Remittances and the brain drain: do more skilled...
International economic integration has been on the rise since at least the mid eighties. The present episode of globalization has a number of distinctive features that makes it more vulnerable to a turnaround...
This paper tries to uncover the reasons underlying the performance of the Moroccan economy. The author argues that wage moderation and judicious monetary policies were instrumental in restraining inflation...
The authors of this paper use simple statistical methods to measure the effect of adjustment lending (AL) on economic performance. Using eight economic indicators, they rely on traditional "before-after"...
The pervasive presence of quantitative restrictions on imports in developing countries makes the prediction of import response following trade liberalization a particularly arduous task. Historically...
Divided into five sections, this paper surveys the main issues related to the definition and the empirical computation of an index of the real exchange rate. Section I presents a brief survey of the different...