Over the last decade, growing attention has been paid to emerging mechanisms for results-based financing (RBF) that seek to address the perceived shortcomings of traditional development aid and financing...
This book offers policy options that can help reduce textbook costs and increase their supply. The book explores, in depth, the cost and financial barriers that restrict textbook availability in schools...
This book offers policy options that can help reduce textbook costs and increase their supply. The book explores, in depth, the cost and financial barriers that restrict textbook availability in schools...
The Singapore economy has undergone significant stages of development since the 1960s. It has grown from its traditional role as a regional port and distribution center in the 1960s to an international...
The conference brought together 44 African ministers of finance and of education from 28 African countries for a structured dialogue on sustaining Africa's economic and educational progress in the current...
At the mid-point to 2015, most developing countries and their external partners can take pride in remarkable progress towards the Education for All (EFA) goals agreed at the 2000 Dakar World Education...
Contents of the report are as follows: East Asia education study tour: an overview of key insights by Birger Fredriksen, and Tan Jee Peng. Education in Africa: knowledge makes the difference by Mamadou...
This introductory chapter summarizes the insights from the visit and relates them to the education challenges faced by countries in Sub-Saharan Africa today. Chapter two contains a detailed discussion...
The Singapore economy has undergone significant stages of development since the 1960s. It has grown from its traditional role as a regional port and distribution center in the 1960s to an international...
This report examines World Bank financing for the Education Sector HIV/AIDS Response in Sub-Saharan Africa, up to mid-2004. The review was undertaken in response to a consultation with African countries...
Sustainable economic development, and social progress in Africa will always be elusive, unless its people are educated, healthy, and secure enough to contribute to, and benefit from economic growth. In...
This paper tries to shed light on the question: to what extent can the cost associated with investments in improvements in quality of learning outcomes be recuperated through efficiency gains derived from...
The main purpose of this paper is to review : a) definitions, interpretations, data needs, and pitfalls in using enrollment ratios and student flow rates (intake, promotion, repetition, dropout and graduation...
This paper discusses how donor assistance for education needs to change during the 1990s in order to effectively help developing countries reach the targets agreed upon for primary education. The most...