This case study aims to present perspectives on the implementation and experience of women’s and girls’ empowerment (WGE) interventions on the ground. Drawing on qualitative research with beneficiaries...
Across Sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers depend heavily on manual labor supplied by their households, families, and communities, but women are particularly labor constrained. This research paired...
Across sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers depend heavily on manual labor supplied by their households, families, and communities, but women are particularly labor constrained. In southwestern Nigeria...
Somalia has a triple challenge of low levels of labor force participation, low productivity, and high levels of poverty. Economic growth in Somalia has been low, subject to shocks; and thus, insufficient...
Cash grants often lead to increases in business profits for male entrepreneurs, but not for female entrepreneurs. This study identifies key household-level factors that constrain women’s ability to grow...
New research suggests that intrahousehold dynamics influence women’s business management and investment decisions. Efforts to support women microentrepreneurs, therefore, need to consider women’s relationships...
Recent studies have suggested that women's business decisions are influenced by members of their household, especially their spouse, and that these intrahousehold dynamics contribute to gender gaps in...