The past two years witnessed an unprecedented advocacy campaign by global civil society to promote the 2005 year of development. An estimated 150 million citizens around the globe mobilized to call on...
The past two years witnessed an unprecedented advocacy campaign by global civil society to promote the 2005 year of development. An estimated 150 million citizens around the globe mobilized to call on...
The past two years witnessed an unprecedented advocacy campaign by global civil society to promote the 2005 year of development. An estimated 150 million citizens around the globe mobilized to call on...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
الغرض من هذه الوثيقة هو تقييم العلاقات التي ترسخت مؤخراً بين البنك الدولي ومنظمات المجتمع المدني، أي المنظمات غير الحكومية، والمنظمات غير الهادفة للربح، كما تهدف هذه الوثيقة أيضاً إلى طرح خيارات لتشجيع...
This third annual publication in the Series "Thinking Out Loud", is an attempt to increase the knowledge of regional staff, by exchanging experiences among themselves on the issue of engaging civil society...
The purpose of this paper is to assess the World Bank's recent relations with civil society organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose...
With the goal of increasing effectiveness in reducing poverty in all of its forms the World Bank undertakes studies about gender equality. This report is one of several already undertaken in other countries...
This third annual publication in the Series "Thinking Out Loud", is an attempt to increase the knowledge of regional staff, by exchanging experiences among themselves on the issue of engaging civil society...
ESSD: Community driven development anchor now firmly established. Environment: latest public opinion on the environment now available. The environment strategy consultations in San Francisco. Critical...
The study is based on research, began in mid-1996, under the Bank-Civil society consultation meetings held in Brazil, concluded in 1999, following participation in several annual meetings of leading civil...
The study is based on research, began in mid-1996, under the Bank-Civil society consultation meetings held in Brazil, concluded in 1999, following participation in several annual meetings of leading civil...
The Brown-Bag Seminar Series, initiated in April 1999, presents a forum for ongoing theoretical debates and operational innovations regarding civil society participation and its potential contribution...
The note reviews the participatory role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) within the HIV/AIDS Control Project in Brazil, which increased stakeholder participation, providing the link to people at...