Semakin banyak negara di dunia saat ini berkeinginan untuk tidak hanya mengurangi kemiskinan dan ketimpangan tapi juga mencapai Perlindungan Sosial Universal (USP). Berinvestasi pada sistem data yang lebih...
Investing in better data systems is critical to maximize the impact of social protection programs as more and more countries around the world are aiming to not only reduce poverty and inequality but also...
Caribbean countries are highly vulnerable to natural disasters and exposed to commodity price fluctuations because of the openness of their economy. At the same time, agriculture remains an important source...
The past decade has witnessed an unprecedented rise in world oil prices and oil price volatility. Since 2002, the spot price for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) has increased more than fivefold, and this...
The paper develops an operational definition of governance that can be applied to social protection. The 2004 World Development Report (WDR) accountability framework acts as a starting point, defining...
Several East Asian countries, in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, are considering an expansion of their social safety net programs. In many cases, existing delivery mechanisms for social assistance...