The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund use the Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework to assess the sustainability of sovereign debt in about 75 low- and middle-income developing...
Europe 4.0: Addressing the Digital Dilemma examines the underlying economics of different types of digital technologies. It highlights what the new drivers of change are, why the dynamics with this latest...
The first section identifies the overlaps between Kazakhstan's development objectives and the goals of IFC~^!!^s new strategy of creating markets for the private sector. Kazakhstan~^!!^s development objectives...
As global extreme poverty has fallen -- by one measure, from close to 2 billion people in 1990 to about 700 million today -- the world has learned about antipoverty strategies that work. These experiences...
Since we introduced the term “middle-income trap” in 2006, it has become popular among policy makers and researchers. In May 2015, a search of Google Scholar returned more than 3,000 articles including...
Chapter one examines the progress made on sustainable poverty reduction and shared prosperity, as well as the policies that are needed to make further progress. With 2015 being a watershed year for global...
This report is about the twelve countries of the former Soviet Union (Eurasia). About 85 percent of the region's economic output is in six resource-rich economies. Today, 85 percent of Eurasia’s 280 million...
This report is about the twelve countries of the former Soviet Union (Eurasia). About 85 percent of the region's economic output is in six resource-rich economies. Today, 85 percent of Eurasia’s 280 million...
This report is about the twelve countries of the former Soviet Union (Eurasia). About 85 percent of the region's economic output is in six resource-rich economies. Today, 85 percent of Eurasia’s 280 million...
Europe's growth will have to be golden in yet another sense. Economic prosperity has brought to Europeans the gift of longer lives, and the continent's population has aged a lot over the last five decades...
Europe's growth will have to be golden in yet another sense. Economic prosperity has brought to Europeans the gift of longer lives, and the continent's population has aged a lot over the last five decades...
Europe's growth will have to be golden in yet another sense. Economic prosperity has brought to Europeans the gift of longer lives, and the continent's population has aged a lot over the last five decades...
Europe's growth will have to be golden in yet another sense. Economic prosperity has brought to Europeans the gift of longer lives, and the continent's population has aged a lot over the last five decades...
This issue includes the following : Ideas and innovation in East Asia, by Milan Brahmghatt and Albert Hu. Impact assessments in finance and private sector development : what have we learned and what should...
This is summarizes the policy-relevant insights of a generation of research on scale economies. Scale economies in production are of three types: internal economies associated with large plants, localization...
The ongoing crisis should spur deeper European integration, rather than a return to the nationalism of the past. The World Development Report 2009, reshaping economic geography, spotlights several issues...
The ongoing crisis should spur deeper European integration, rather than a return to the nationalism of the past. The World Development Report 2009, reshaping economic geography, spotlights several issues...
Economic growth will be unbalanced, but development can still be inclusive-that is the message of this year's World development report, the thirty-first in the series. As economies grow from low to high...
Economic growth will be unbalanced, but development can still be inclusive-that is the message of this year's World development report, the thirty-first in the series. As economies grow from low to high...
Economic growth will be unbalanced, but development can still be inclusive-that is the message of this year's World development report, the thirty-first in the series. As economies grow from low to high...