The purpose of this idea book is to provide practical ideas on how to make training interactive and interesting. It contains ideas on icebreakers, energizers and interactive exercises to include in your...
As their businesses grow, many microbusiness owners would like to purchase new machinery from a microfinance institution (MFI), since such equipment can hold the key to increasing production. However...
This note discusses natural disaster preparation and how microfinance institutions (MFIs) and their staffs can respond. It is part of a series that summarizes a distance learning series with South American...
This note discusses the rapidly evolving issue of micro insurance in Latin America and how microfinance institutions (MFIs), insurance companies and donors can respond to its challenges. This note is part...
This note provides a summary of how the Bank established an eight-part distance learning series for dialogue with South American micro-financing institutions (MFIs). The objectives of the dialogues were...
A bank of one's own, by Ela Bhatt. China's emerging micro-finance industry, by Mike Goldberg. Strengthening Asian MFIs, by Joyita Mukherjee. Asian Development Bank operations to support micro-finance...
Most poor and disadvantaged people have not previously been integrated into the formal financial sector. However, from the standpoint both of financial sector development and poverty alleviation, the participation...
In the Asia Region, increasing women's productivity and earning potential is recognized as an important element in the Bank's efforts to promote sustainable growth and poverty reduction in borrower countries...