ESSD: Community driven development anchor now firmly established. Environment: latest public opinion on the environment now available. The environment strategy consultations in San Francisco. Critical...
ESSD news: ESSD European Forum a success. Sector news - Environment: Environment strategy consultations kick into action. Global public opinion and the environment. GEF council approved 12 new Bank-GEF...
This report compares the history of Environmental Assessment (EA) and Social Assessment (SA) in the World Bank, in order to draw "lessons learned" to improve development. The main need-to shift attention...
Convention to Combat Desertification. "Greening Industry" publication launch and seminar. NGO-World Bank committee meeting rescheduled. "Hotspots" launch. World Bank/WWW launch. World Bank/WWW high-level...
This paper includes the following headings: civilization and sludge: notes on the history of the management of human excreta; the sewage scam: should sludge fertilize your vegetables?; recycling organic...
Today's polarization of society "for" and "against" big hydroprojects relates to environmental costs, particularly those borne by vulnerable ethnic minorities and the poor; such costs include societal...
The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITT0), an increasing number of citizens and foresters, and most environmentalists realize that most current use of tropical moist forest is unsustainable...
The world's wildlands - forests, savannas, wetlands, and other areas as yet little touched by human activity - are increasingly under pressure from population growth and economic development. But to view...
This book discusses applied tropical ecology and shows how it is used to improve economic development in tropical developing countries. It describes the benefits to be gained and the losses which can be...
"Cultural property" denotes sites or artifacts of archaeological (prehistoric), paleontological, historic, religious and unique natural value; it encompasses remains left by previous human inhabitants...
This paper highlights the fact that certain peoples, specifically tribal, who are still living on the periphery of the dominant national society, deserve special consideration under World Bank projects...
This paper highlights the fact that certain peoples, specifically tribal, who are still living on the periphery of the dominant national society, deserve special consideration under World Bank projects...