This book examines the state and the fate of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA). The volume has three key objectives: to provide qualitative and quantitative information about the implications of what is...
نوع الوثيقة: المطبوعات
رقم التقرير: 65456
تاريخ الوثيقة: 2011/11/01
حالة الافصاح: Disclosed
المؤلف: Anderson,Kym,Blandford,David,Borchert,Ingo,Bouët, Antoine,Brown, Chad P.,Gootiiz,Batshur,Grant,Jason Hugh,Hoekman,Bernard M.,Josling,Timothy E.,Debucquet,David Laborde,Martin, Will,Mattoo,Aaditya,Meilke,Karl,Nelgen,Signe,Prusa,Thomas J.,Subramanian,Arvind,Taylor,Benjamin J.,Wilson,John S.,Winkler,Deborah Elisabeth,Van Der Mensbrugghe,Dominique