The purpose of this brief note is to provide some thoughts on the conceptual and operational relationships between empowerment, social capital and community-driven development (CDD). In the last decade...
The Local Level Institutions Study (LLIS) was designed to investigate more systematically, the role of local associations in the provision of services to households, and to examine the extent to which...
This report focuses on the dimensions of poverty, and how to create a better world, free of poverty. The analysis explores the nature, and evolution of poverty, and its causes, to present a framework for...
This report focuses on the dimensions of poverty, and how to create a better world, free of poverty. The analysis explores the nature, and evolution of poverty, and its causes, to present a framework for...
This report focuses on the dimensions of poverty, and how to create a better world, free of poverty. The analysis explores the nature, and evolution of poverty, and its causes, to present a framework for...
This report focuses on the dimensions of poverty, and how to create a better world, free of poverty. The analysis explores the nature, and evolution of poverty, and its causes, to present a framework for...
يركز هذا التقرير على أبعاد مشكلة الفقر، وكيفية خلق عالم أفضل خال من الفقر؛ ويستطلع التحليل طبيعة مشكلة الفقر وتطورها، ومسبباتها، ويطرح إطار عمل لمعالجتها. ويتناول التقرير فرص زيادة ممتلكات الفقراء، ويرى...
Poor people live without fundamental freedoms of action and choice that the better-off take for granted. They often lack adequate food and shelter, education, and health. They also face extreme vulnerability...
This report focuses on the dimensions of poverty, and how to create a better world, free of poverty. The analysis explores the nature, and evolution of poverty, and its causes, to present a framework for...
Poor people live without fundamental freedoms of action and choice that the better-off take for granted. They often lack adequate food and shelter, education, and health. They also face extreme vulnerability...
This report focuses on the dimensions of poverty, and how to create a better world, free of poverty. The analysis explores the nature, and evolution of poverty, and its causes, to present a framework for...
Poor people live without fundamental freedoms of action and choice that the better-off take for granted. They often lack adequate food and shelter, education, and health. They also face extreme vulnerability...
Poor people live without fundamental freedoms of action and choice that the better-off take for granted. They often lack adequate food and shelter, education, and health. They also face extreme vulnerability...
The study provides a particularly rich context to disentangle the interplay between the formal and informal institutions, and the interplay between history, politics, and changes in social organization...
The precise definition of "institutions" and "social capital" is being debated, as is the extent to which these two ideas overlap; however, for the purpose of this paper its concepts will not be solved...
The author empirically estimates how social capital affects household welfare and poverty in Indonesia. His focus: household memberships in local associations, an aspect of social capital especially relevant...
The objective of this paper is to investigate empirically the links between social capital, household welfare, and poverty in Indonesia. Specifically, the authors undertake a multivariate analysis of the...
The objective of this report is to provide a map of local institutions which exist in rural Indonesia and to investigate the extent to which they are involved in the delivery of services (health, education...
Sustainable development has been defined as a process whereby future generations receive as much capital per capita as--or more than--the current generation has available (Serageldin). Traditionally, this...
Child labor in Cote d'Ivoire increased in the 1980s because of a severe economic crisis. Two out of three urban children aged 7 to 17 work; half of them also attend school. In rural areas, more than four...