This report focuses on training for project implementation units in the Caribbean on stakeholder engagement and consultations.
The Project Development Objective of the Modern Energy Services for All Project is to jump-start renewable off-grid electricity market in order to facilitate the scale-up of access to modern energy services...
This note describes ways to complement regular monitoring by the government or project implementing units with monitoring by communities, civil society organizations (CSOs), research institutes, consulting...
Political decentralization is the primary mechanism through which citizen preferences are represented in the decision making, and is therefore essential to an effective system of decentralization. The...
Fiscal decentralization provides the link between incentives for better performance of the local government and the elected support from the citizens and is, therefore, essential for an effective system...
Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) can serve as a powerful tool to inform prevailing public financial management (PFM) practices and the extent to which government budgets link to execution and...